1. Registration of the entire population, currently residing on the territory of the city of Kharkov, starts on December 6.
2. The entire adult population, male and female, age sixteen and up is subject to registration.
3. Children under the age of 16 should be registered together with their father or mother whom they are dependent on.
4. Registration is executed by homeowners and heads of house commissioners Troikas on separate standing houses that have individual numbers.
5. Homeowners and heads of house commisioners Troikas are responsible for registration.
6. Registration is carried out locally (in the districts) under the guidance and instructions of district Burgomasters of the City Council.
7. Registration of the population is done on special forms issued by district Burgomasters of the City Council.
8. The Jewish population of the city is registered separately from the rest of the population - according to the separate lists.
9. Individuals undergoing registration are required to have a passport to hand over to the registrar, as well as a military ID and a employment history book.
10. Individuals who do not have passports are required to appear at registration with two guarantors to fill out special affidevits.
11. Information on nationality should be given in accordance with the actual national origin, regardless of the nationality indicated in the passport.
Withholding of national origin information will be severely punished.
12. Registration fee for adult is 1 ruble, for Jews - 10 rubles.